Revised July 1, 2024
The Stewart Library is committed to providing a high-quality collection of information resources that advance the mission and strategic goals of Weber State University (WSU). The changing landscapes of scholarship, technology, and pedagogy require us to make collection decisions according to a policy of clearly stated principles and goals, while remaining flexible and responsive to our users' needs over time. As a teaching-focused library, we base our policy on the outcomes that our collection can foster, as opposed to traditional metrics such as the size of our collection. We also situate our collection in the larger sharing ecosystem of libraries. Our collection policy aligns with the Library Bill of Rights and national professional standards, that state: "A diverse collection should contain content by and about a wide array of people and cultures to authentically reflect a variety of ideas, information, stories, and experiences."
Collection Outcomes
We measure the success of our collection management practices according to how well those practices help our students, faculty, staff, and larger community to meet their goals. This requires us to assess how different purchasing, licensing, and resource sharing models advance the following outcomes:
The library provides and maintains material that address both the broad, general education curriculum and all academic programs at WSU. Learning outcomes are the top priority. The following are some examples of the kinds of resources that support learning.
- Breadth in material that is available “just-in-case” for a wide range of disciplines and learning activities.
- Specialized materials related to professional and disciplinary knowledge and practices and that are not available through interlibrary loan or other resource sharing mechanisms. Limited resources sometimes require that we select one disciplinary tool to serve as an example.
- Resources that promote lifelong learning, civic engagement, and community well-being (leisure reading, news sources, and government information).
- Resources that help to reduce financial and time barriers for students, especially low-income students, and that support the university’s open enrollment mission.
- Resources that fill gaps in our collection, especially in documenting traditionally underrepresented groups and knowledge areas.
- Resources that ensure ongoing accreditation for externally-accredited programs.
Scholarship and Creative Activities
The library provides and maintains materials that support the research and creative endeavors conducted by faculty, graduate and undergraduate students, staff, and members of the public. We focus on providing a rich array of discovery and rapid document delivery services to get a wide range of resources into the hands of our researchers quickly. The following describes the kinds of resources that support scholarship and creative activities.
- Discovery tools (specialized indexing and abstracting databases, catalogs, and search engines) with seamless links to document delivery options.
- A core collection of highly-used journals in key disciplines.
- “Just-in-time” delivery of materials using interlibrary loan and purchase-on-demand models to address the “long tail” of diverse research needs.
- Resources that ensure ongoing accreditation for externally-accredited programs.
Guiding Principles
The following principles guide our decision-making in support of the outcomes outlined above.
Purchased and licensed resources must be as accessible as possible and particularly address the needs of patrons with disabilities. VPAT (voluntary product accessibility template) compliance should be a minimum requirement, with very few exceptions. Exceptions should come with discounted pricing to address the cost of remediation and individual accommodations.
Sustainable Acquisitions
We privilege purchasing and subscription options that are financially sustainable and we push back against restrictive and predatory pricing models.
Resource Sharing
The collection includes not only individual subscription and purchases, but also the larger system of discovery and delivery. Resource sharing and document delivery should be strategically integrated, not an afterthought. Personnel costs for document delivery services are included in our budget strategy.
Our collection policy must be accessible and comprehensible. Our community of users should be empowered to engage in active conversations regarding our choices, to easily suggest changes, and to alert us to any errors and omissions. Our collection practices must intentionally seek out quieter voices in the conversation because we know that not everyone feels empowered to speak and provide feedback on our collections.
Diverse perspectives (in alignment with national professional standards)
The library collection must include a wide range of viewpoints, perspectives, and experiences. We acknowledge that our collections have substantial gaps and erasures. We are not experts in all forms of knowledge and actively seek to educate ourselves and redress these gaps.
Collection Management Team
Collection management is a collaborative process requiring the knowledge of many individuals, both inside and outside the library:
- Subject librarians: Assigned to every college. They consult with faculty on curricular and research needs and inform faculty of new resources and scholarly communication issues.
- Collections and Acquisitions Manager: Serves as the primary liaison between subject librarians and publishers and vendors. Negotiates licenses. Manages acquisitions processes. Manages assessment and review processes.
- Resource sharing and document delivery personnel: Participate in collection decisions as they relate to resources and budgets for interlibrary loan and provide feedback on collection needs according to interlibrary loan request statistics and other user feedback.
- Course materials specialists: Participate in collection decisions as they relate to the provision of textbooks and other course materials for students.
- Davis Campus Coordinator: Collaborates with subject librarians and makes purchasing decisions to build a collection that serves the unique curricular and access needs of that campus.
- Reference Coordinator: Provides feedback to subject librarians on uses and needs of the reference collection and oversees the federal government document collection.
Collection Budget
The collection budget is comprised of several sources including state appropriated E&G funds, funds from the state distributed through the Utah Academic Library Consortium, and a limited number of endowed funds.
Information resources regularly experience significant price increases above the consumer price index. Therefore, unless the library receives new appropriations for inflation, we must consider various cuts in response to the erosion of our buying power. For one-time purchases, such as books and AV material, this might mean buying fewer titles in each subsequent year. For continuing resources requiring subscriptions (serials or databases), this requires canceling existing titles instead of renewing them. We cannot consider adding new subscriptions to the collection without identifying a corresponding cut in the existing budget or acquiring a new source of funding.
Consortial Resources
Stewart Library is a member of the Utah Academic Consortium (UALC), which provides set core electronic resources (mainly academic journals and databases) for all institutions. UALC also reciprocal borrowing between libraries, whereby any WSU student, faculty, or staff can visit library directly borrow materials.
Criteria evaluating potential acquisitions
In addition to broad outcomes principles described above, we apply following criteria collection decisions:
To acquire most resources, must execute content license. In order maintain scalable processes on our list several thousand titles, prefer resource licenses meet criteria:
- Vendors must be able to provide IP authentication for content access. We will not subscribe to content that requires that the library maintain a login and password for access.
- Vendors must guarantee and document our post-cancellation perpetual access rights to the electronic content for which we have paid.
- Licenses must not stipulate overly restrictive limitations on typical local use such as printing, displaying, or saving content.
- Licenses must not contain indemnification clauses or restrictive terms that force the library to assume responsibility for the actions of end users.
- Licenses should permit us to provide remote access via our proxy to all WSU faculty & students.
- Licenses should permit walk-in use by visitors to our facility.
- Licenses should permit interlibrary loan and scholarly sharing to all WSU faculty and students.
- All changes to existing licenses must be made in writing.
- Books: The library collects in both electronic and print formats, depending on the availability and user needs. Considerations include the quality of the illustrations required, readability, the usability of electronic book platforms, curricular needs for multiple copies, the frequency of updates, and other criteria as determined by subject librarians.
- Journals/serials: Most scholarly journals are collected primarily in electronic format. Both publishers and researchers of scholarly content favor electronic formats due to ease of dissemination, swift availability of new content, and convenience when conducting research.
- Audiovisual content: All faculty requests in support of teaching are honored whenever possible. Streaming access is preferred for all content when available from commonly used vendors at a reasonable price.
- Federal documents: The library is a Selective Depository in the Federal Depository Library Program. It serves the university and public by selecting U.S. Government documents relevant to the community and supporting the programs taught at Weber State University.
- Archival materials are collected according to the scope and parameters outlined in the Special Collections & University Archives Collection policy.
Library Course Reserves
Course reserves are supplementary materials (including books, disks, A/V materials, journal articles and/or photocopies, electronic resources, instructional equipment, and non-book items) chosen by the faculty to support class instruction.
To support student success, the library also purchases a limited number of textbooks for Course Reserves, especially at the beginning of a semester when textbooks may be unavailable or on backorder.
Withdrawal of Materials
- Deselection is a normal part of maintaining a healthy collection. Subject librarians identify, evaluate, select, and deselect materials for the collection in specific areas consulting with instructional faculty when appropriate.
- The library will withdraw in cases where the collection has redundancy in holdings.
- The library reserves the right to reject adding materials–including freely available resources–to their collections based on their perceived quality, authority, relevance, or other criteria.
- The library will consider replacing lost items and items in poor physical condition. Obsolete formats will be replaced with newer formats when possible.
The Stewart Library’s policy regarding gifts-in-kind is located here.
While we greatly appreciate the generosity of people who wish to donate materials to the Stewart Library’s collection, we have a limited capacity to accept unsolicited gifts of books, periodicals, films, manuscripts, or any other materials. Exceptions may be made if the potential donation strongly supports the WSU curriculum, advances the library’s goals and principles, or augments the library's collections in needed ways.
Book Challenges, Intellectual Freedom, and Censorship
The library recognizes that free access to ideas and freedom of expression are fundamental to the educational process. Accordingly, the library purchases materials that represent a wide variety of viewpoints. In so doing, the library subscribes to and complies with the American Library Association's Library Bill of Rights and its accompanying statements of interpretation, including, but not limited to, statements on:
- Intellectual Freedom Issues for Academic Libraries
- Freedom to Read
- Freedom to View
- Access to Digital Information, Services and Networks
- Challenged Resources
- Labeling and Rating Systems
The library does not withdraw or add, at the request of any individual or group, material that has been chosen for or excluded from the collection based on the above stated selection criteria. An individual or group questioning the appropriateness of material within the collection will be referred to the relevant subject librarian and Dean.
This policy borrowed language from the following: