You will submit this section as a PDF with “LastName-FirstName-Proposal.PDF” as the file name. Include your working title (same as entered above for “Research Topic”) and your name at the top of the document, with the description of your project and list of relevant materials. No more than 4 pages total.
Section 1: Project Description (500 words maximum)
Brief narrative describing your project, including current status of your research and how resources at the Stewart Library will enrich this work.
Section 2: Annotated List of Relevant Materials (up to 3 pages)
Consult with a SCUA staff member at to identify materials that are eligible for grant funding and will support your topic most effectively. Include annotations to describe how the collections will support your research.
Other Supporting Documentation
Upload a 1-2 page resume, CV, artists’ statement, or other supporting document that lists or summarizes your relevant experience, education, accomplishments, or work. Submit as PDF with “LastName-FirstName-Statement.PDF” as the file name.